TBI is currently composed of eighteen faculty representing
expertise in biochemistry, geochemistry, microbiology, virology,
mycology, ecology, plant physiology, environmental physics, and
chemical and biological engineering.

In addition to an emphasis on multidisciplinary research, TBI
promotes interdisciplinary learning through a strong education
component that incorporates undergraduate, graduate, and
post-doctoral training. TBI also includes a robust outreach program
focused on K-12 education, and "teaching the teachers"
in our continuing education summer course as part of
MSU’s Master of Science in Science Education program (MSSE).

TBI faculty attracts top-tier undergraduate and graduate students
to employ in their labs. TBI continues to train the next generation
of interdisciplinary researchers; many of our students have gone
on to find success in national labs, private industry and academia.
Students learn in a variety of settings-the classroom, the lab, and
the ultimate filed site, Yellowstone National Park.


Summer Course

Each summer, The Thermal Biology Institute offers a course through the Master of Science in Science Education (MSSE)

LRES 557-MB 547-01 Thermal Biology in Yellowstone National Park (2 credit).

This course will provide a survey of the ecology of important organisms common in thermal habitats of Yellowstone National Park, including a review of different life forms and the physical and chemical habitats that define their environment. The course is structured to provide (1) a basic understanding of the ecology of a variety of life forms in thermal habitats, (2) a survey of observational techniques and hands-on activities appropriate for science educators, and (3) field trips to visit and characterize several geothermal habitats environments. Fundamental principles of thermal biology will be emphasized during lectures on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. This class will have a two day field trip on Wednesday and Thursday to Yellowstone National Park, with an overnight TENT camp experience at Madison Campground. Two days in the field will be used to visit, discuss, sample and characterize diverse geothermal habitats in Yellowstone National Park. .


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