Spring 2024 Schedule

Presentation Topic
Jan. 29
Nigel Reuel

Assoc.. Professor, Iowa State University

Extreme* Measurement Tools for Extreme Organisms
March 7 (Virtual)
Donato Giovanelli

Professor, University of Naples

Subsurface extremophilic communities 

March 11-17



March 25 (Virtual)
Alexander Probst

Professor, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

The beauty of microbes from the deep biosphere – a tale of pirates and their hooks

April 1

Woodward Fischer

Professor, California Institute of Technology

The connate role of manganese in the evolution of photosynthesis in Cyanobacteria

April 8

Martin Lawrence

Professor, Montana State University

Visualizing Iron Nucleation and Mineralization at Near Atomic Resolution in an Archaeal Mini-Ferritin 

April 15

Tom Santangelo

Professor, Colorado State University

RNA Modifications Support Life in the Extremes

April 22

Erin Field

Assoc. Professor, East Carolina University

Shipwreck microbiomes and their impact on ecosystem health

April 29

Kira Makarova

NCBI National Institutes of Health

Functional prediction using evolutionary and comparative genomic analysis of thermophilic archaea.

May 6

Taraka Dale

Group Leader, Microbial & Biome Sci., Los Alamos

Biological solutions to closing the carbon cycle



Spring 2023 Schedule

Feb. 27 (Webinar
Ashley Shade
Michigan State University
Resilience and recovery of soil bacterial communities to an ongoing underground coal fire
March 6
Paige Schlegel
MontanaState University
Isolation and Characterization of Pyrosphaera, a novel genus of thermophilic Crenarchaeota
March 13
March 20
Anna-Louise Resenbach
Portland State University
Genomic and functional microbial diversity in deep-sea vent deposits: Indicators of subsurface geological processes?
March 27 (Webinar)
Lei Cheng
Biogas Institute of Ministry of Agriculture, Chengdu, China
Novel carbon metabolism by newly identified methanogens and their biochemical role in the subsurface biosphere
April 10
Eran Hood
University of Alaska
Impacts of glacier loss on riverine biogeochemistry and ecology
Google Scholar Page: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=JSE-ii4AAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=1
April 17
Isaac Cann
University of Illinois
Fiber degradation: From the cow rumen to thermophilic and hyperthermophilic environments and to the human colon

Spring 2022 Schedule

January 24

Associate Professor,
Interim Department Head,
Animal & Range Sciences,
Montana State University

From Microbes to Metabolites: Uncovering the Molecular Mediators of Dysbiosis and Gynecological Disease
January 31
8:00 am MST
Postdoctoral Researcher,
Joint Microbiome Facility,
University of Vienna
Nanopore sequencing of complex samples 
February 7
Postdoctoral Fellow,
Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
California Institute of Technology
Microbial Iron Cycling in Brazilian Iron Caves: Microbially induced Cave Formation
April 11
Anthony Kohtz
PhD Student,
Chemistry & Biochemistry,
Montana State University
Metagenomics and cultivation provide new insights on methylotrophic archaea inhabiting Yellowstone hot springs
May 2
University Research Chair,
University of Waterloo
Microbial ecology of engineered and natural barriers intended for a deep geological repository of used nuclear fuel


Fall 2021 Schedule

September 20

AAAS Executive Fellow/USAID Environmental Specialist,
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS),
Washington D.C.

Precient Technologies,
Tempe, AZ

Thermophiles; or, the modern Prometheus: Employing extreme microorganisms to understand extracellular electron transfer and
broaden participation in STEAM

October 4     *virtual seminar*

University of Calgary

From alkaline soda lakes to climate change - from microbial mats to gatorade
October 18 *virtual seminar*

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology,
University of Georgia

Insights into the Evolution of the Mitochondrial Aerobic Respiratory Chain from Anaerobic Hyperthermophilic Archaea
November 1 *virtual seminar*
Associate Professor,
Monash University
Atmospheric trace gas oxidation: from enzymes to ecosystems
November 8
Chemical & Biological Engineering & Chemistry,
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Epigenome and transcriptome of Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20 under copper stress
November 15
Luke Roberson

Senior Principal Investigator,
Exploration Research and Technology Directorate,

Bioreactors for Space Exploration at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center


Fall 2020 Schedule


Sep 21

Postdoctoral Scholar Research Associate, Geological and Planetary Sciences, Caltech

How to anaerobically oxidize hydrocarbons: lessons from hydrothermal (and cold) marine sediments


Via WebEx 

Contact Kristen Griffin for access to this seminar

Oct 19

Postdoctoral Fellow, Marine Science, University of Texas at Austin

Novel archaeal phyla in extreme environments


Via WebEx 

Contact Kristen Griffin for access to this seminar

Oct 26

*9:00 a.m. MDT               

Director, Centre for Microbial Ecology and Genomics, University of Pretoria

Microbial ecology of hot and cold desert soils


Via WebEx

Contact Kristen Griffin for access to this seminar

Nov 9

Dr. Martina Preiner                                                               
Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Molecular Evolution, Heinrich-Heine-University

A geochemical route to primordial carbon and energy metabolism


Via WebEx

Contact Kristen Griffin for access to this seminar 

Nov 16

*4:15 p.m. MDT                                                    

Dr. Masaru Nobu

Dr. Hiroyuki Imachi

Asgard archaea and their relationship to eukaryotes


Via WebEx

Contact Kristen Griffin for access to this seminar


Spring 2020 Schedule


Jan 27

Dr. Martin Lawrence

Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry, MSU, TBI

Biological warfare in a Yellowstone hot spring

Feb 10

Dr. Rebecca Mueller

Assistant Research Professor, Chemical & Biological Engineering, MSU, TBI, CBE

Microbial community assembly in hot springs across spatial and temporal gradients

Mar 2

Dr. Sandra Halonen


Dr. Elliott Barnhart

Associate Professor, Microbiology & Immunology, MSU


Research Hydrologist, USGS Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center

Naegleria fowleri in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks

Mar 9

Dr. Doug Bartlett

Professor, Marine Microbial Genetics,  Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego

Microbial life at the greatest ocean depths

The remaining spring 2020 schedule for TBI Seminar was cancelled due to the COVID-19 shutdown

Fall 2019


Date Speaker Affiliation Presentation

Oct 7

*Roberts 301 

Dr. Jeff Gralnick

Professor, Plant & Microbial Ecology

University of Minnesota

Exploring electric bacteria using genetics, CRISPR, FISH, and phage

Nov 4 Dr. Manuel Kleiner

Assistant Professor, Plant & Microbial Biology

North Carolina State University

Assessing metabolism and interspecies interactions in microbial symbioses via metaproteomics

Nov 5

*MSU Provost Distinguished Lecturer Series

7:00 p.m.

Museum of the Rockies

Dr. Brent Peyton

Director, TBI; Professor, Chemical & Biological Engineering,MSU

Trails to Yellowstone (and other biotech adventures)

Nov 25

*11:00 a.m.

Dr. Peter Lu

Postdoctoral Fellow, Physics and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University

Single-cell whole-genome sequencing beyond the species level


Spring 2019

TBI Seminar Schedule  Seminar is at 3:10pm, 108 Plant Bioscience Bldg unless otherwise noted

Dr. Brent Peyton, Director, Thermal Biology Institute; Professor, Chemical & Biological Engineering, MSU, CBE
"Keck Thermophile Project Highlights and TBI Update"

Jacob Munson-McGee, PhD Student, Microbiology and Immunology, MSU
"Virus-host interactions at the single cell level in hot springs of Yellowstone National Park"

Dr. Mike Wilkins, Asst. Professor, Soil & Crop Sciences, Colorado State University
"Deep shales as windows into cryptic carbon cycling in the terrestrial subsurface"

Dr. Haley Sapers, Postdoctoral Scholar, Human Frontier in Science Cross-disciplinary Fellow, USC/Caltech/NASA JPL
"Combining Deep UV Raman spectroscopy and stable isotope probing to map microbial activity on complex environmental substrates: From life detection to the subsurface biosphere"

Dr. Roland Hatzenpichler, Asst. Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry, MSU, TBI, CBE
"A new Confocal Raman microscope with cell-sorting ability at MSU: What to do with it and how to get seed funding for using it"

Dr. Lee Krumholz, Professor, Microbiology, University of Oklahoma
"Microbial interactions involved in syntrophic growth"

Jesse Peach, PhD Student, Chemistry & Biochemistry, MSU
"Hot Springs Story in Four Parts: Using Large Data Sets to Describe Extreme Environments"

Nick Reichart, PhD Student, Chemistry & Biochemistry, MSU
"Identification of cellulolytic hot spring organisms through bioorthogonal labeling"

Dr. Jim Hemp, Adjunct Instructor, Internal Medicine, University of Utah
"Diversity and evolution of high potential metabolisms: Photosynthesis, aerobic respiration, and nitrogen cycling"

Dr. Olivia Nigro, Assistant Professor, Biology, Hawaii Pacific University
"Unearthing virus-host relationships in a geothermal oceanic ecosystem"


Fall 2017-Spring 2018

Fall 2017

Dr. Bruce Fouke and Tom Murphy
“The Art of Yellowstone Science: Mammoth Hot Spring as a Window on the Universe”
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Fine Art Landscape and Wildlife Photography

Dr. Tim Magnuson
“What do radioactive hot springs tell us about life on other planets?”
Idaho State University

Dr. Gregg Beckham
“Deconstructing Plants and Plastics with Novel Enzymes and Microbes”
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Dr. Geoff Puzon
“Tales from the Golden pipeline: Thermophilic amoebae in West Australian Water Distribution Systems”
CSIRO, Land and Water Flagship

Dr. Donald Bryant
“Life on the (red) edge of darkness: Photo acclimation of terrestrial cyanobacteria to far-red and low light”
Pennsylvania State University

Dr. William Levitt
“Taking vitals after death: quantitative isotopic & proteomic indicators of a sulfate reducers metabolic state”
Dartmouth College

Spring 2018

Dr. Catherine Reardon, USDA-Agricultural Research Service
Dr. John Aston
, Idaho National Laboratory
Dr. Richard Gross
, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Dr. Dana Skorupa and Dr. Rebecca Mueller
, Montana State University
Dr. James Wilking
, Montana State University
Dr. Jefferson Hungerford
, Geologist, Yellowstone National Park
Dr. Masafumi Yoshinaga
, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine 

Fall 2016-Spring 2017

TBI Seminar Schedule  Seminar is at 3:10pm, 108 Plant Bioscience Bldg unless otherwise noted

Fall 2016

Dr. David Sands, Professor Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology, Montana State University-

Kristopher Hunt, Ph. D Student in Chemical and Biological Engineering, Montana State University

Dr. Valerie Copie, Professor and Director of MSU NMR Center NMR Structural Biology, Protein Biochemistry, Montana State University

Dr. Matthew Stott, Extremophiles Research Group at GNS Science, New Zealand 

Dr. Ross Carlson, Professor, Chemical and Biological EngineeringMontana State University

Rebecca Mueller, Keck Postdoctoral Researcher with TBI, Montana State University 


Dr. Ahmet Muren Eren, University of Chicago

Dr. Eric Becraft, Bigelow Laboratory of Ocean Sciences

Dr. Andreas Taske, The University of North Carolina Marine Sciences


Fall 2015-Spring 2016

TBI Seminar Schedule  Seminar is at 3:10pm, 108 Plant Bioscience Bldg unless otherwise noted


Kerry Gunther YNP
Harald Engelhardt – Max Planck Inst. Germany
John Spear- CSU
Michael Lienemann- VTT Finland
Alysia Cox- MT Tech
Dan Colman- MSU


Charlotte UetrechtHeinrich Pette Institute
Arthur Edison- University of Georgia
Anne Dekes
Mircea Podar- Oakridge National Laboratory

Fall 2014-Spring 2015

TBI Seminar Schedule  Seminar is at 3:10pm, 108 Plant Bioscience Bldg unless otherwise noted

11/17 Cheryl Kuske, Los Alamos National Lab,Chronic deposition impacts on decomposer fungal and bacterialcommunity structure and processes in temperate forests.

12/1 Jennifer Biddle, University of Delaware Science Rocks (literally): microbes and microbialites in Pavilion Lake, Canada               

12/8 Becky Hochstein, Montana State University   TBA

1/26 Kristine Uldahl, Danish Archaea Centre   TBA

2/9 Jake Beam, Ph.D. candidate, MSU, Inskeep Lab. Assembly and Succession of Iron Oxide

Microbial Mat Communities in Acidic Geothermal Springs 

2/17 Ramunas  Stepanauskas,  Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences. Single cell genomics:

from science fiction to mainstream microbiology **SEMINAR IS ON TUESDAY, Feb. 17 in

the Byker Auditorium (CBB) at 2:10pm due to President’s Day holiday. 

2/23  Brian Hedlund, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Insights into candidate microbial phyla

inhabiting geothermal springs in the Great Basin, China, and Yellowstone

3/2 Haluk Beyenal, Washington State University, TBA

3/16 Zack Jay, MSU, Inskeep Lab. TBA

3/23 Luke McKay, MSU Post Doctoral Researcher, Boyd Lab, TBA

3/30 Dave Lageson, MSU, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Variability in stromatolite morphology,

Paleoproterozoic Nash Formation (~2.0 Ga), Medicine Bow Mountains, Wyoming:

biogenic versus non-biogenic influences

4/13 Zoe Harrold, MSU, Post Doctoral Researcher,  Skidmore and Boyd Labs. TBA

4/20 John Coates, UC Berkeley, TBA


Fall 2013-Spring 2014

TBI Seminar Schedule  Seminar is at 3:10pm, 108 Plant Bioscience Bldg unless otherwise noted

10/28 Brian Bothner, MSU, Has Omics Gone Viral?

11/4 Ken Stedman, Portland State University, Viruses from Hell

11/25 Gill Geesey ,MSU, Influence of microbial processes on carbonate mineral formation

12/2  Valerie Copie, MSU, Metabolomics studies of the Ignicoccus--Nano archeum archaeal system: can metabolite profiling shed light on the mechanism of interspecies interactionsbetween these two archaea?

2/3 Vangie Koonce  (PetersLab); Dan MacDonald, Undergrad Workforce Internship Reports 

3/3 Steve D’hondt, University of Rhode Island, TBA 

3/24 Matthew Fields, MSU, Hydrogenotaxis and Cooperative Resource Sharing

4/7  Frank Roberto, Newmont Mining Corp, Biomining of refractory gold and copper sulfide ores

4/14 Bill Inskeep, MSU,TBA

4/21 Trent Northern, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, TBA

4/28 Robert Powers, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, TBA 

5/5 Yukari Maezato, PPNL, Study of Catabolite Repression in Archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus