Mondays at 3:10 p.m.* Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)
Plant Bioscience Building (PBB), Room 108 

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Previous Seminars

*Note time and format changes below

Spring 2024 Schedule

Presentation Topic
Jan. 29
Nigel Reuel

Assoc.. Professor, Iowa State University

Extreme* Measurement Tools for Extreme Organisms
March 7 (Virtual)
Donato Giovanelli

Professor, University of Naples

Subsurface extremophilic communities 

March 11-17



March 25 (Virtual)
Alexander Probst

Professor, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

The beauty of microbes from the deep biosphere – a tale of pirates and their hooks

April 1

Woodward Fischer

Professor, California Institute of Technology

The connate role of manganese in the evolution of photosynthesis in Cyanobacteria

April 8

Martin Lawrence

Professor, Montana State University

Visualizing Iron Nucleation and Mineralization at Near Atomic Resolution in an Archaeal Mini-Ferritin 

April 15

Tom Santangelo

Professor, Colorado State University

RNA Modifications Support Life in the Extremes

April 22

Erin Field

Assoc. Professor, East Carolina University

Shipwreck microbiomes and their impact on ecosystem health

April 29

Kira Makarova

NCBI National Institutes of Health

Functional prediction using evolutionary and comparative genomic analysis of thermophilic archaea.

May 6

Taraka Dale

Group Leader, Microbial & Biome Sci., Los Alamos

Biological solutions to closing the carbon cycle


For speaker suggestions, contact Brent Peyton