Science Saturdays at the Museum of the Rockies

Science Saturdays at the Museum of the Rockies included the Astrobiology Biogeocatalysis Research Center (ABRC) of Montana State University.  Engaged young minds discovered the origins and composition of comets as they stirred up the likeness of a comet.  Comets come from far out in space, beyond Pluto and half way to the nearest star.  Comets are frozen water, dust and gases, such as methane and ammonia.  They travel through space at speeds of 600,000 miles per hour.  As their orbit takes them near the sun, some of the gases and water vaporize and to create a tail, or coma.  Some scientists believe that comets may have bombarded the young Earth (about 4 billion years ago) bringing the vast quantities of water that now fill the Earth's oceans.