What says LOVE more than a Microbe?

As a little bit of microbial fun, we introduce our series of science valentines, based on the educational guidebook called Living Colors: The Microbes of Yellowstone, produced by the MSU Thermal Biology Institute, Montana Institute on Ecosystems, and the Yellowstone Association.

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Microbial valentine of Caldisphaera. It says Caldisphaera me anytime, Valentine! It also includes facts on Caldisphaera. It states Caldisphaera grows in high-temperature and acidic environments. It uses organic forms of carbon and elemental sulfur as sources of energy and will convert yellow precipitated sulfur into hydrogen sulfide- a gas that smells like rotten eggs and is very poisonous and corrosive. Caldisphaera is widely distributed in acidic hydrothermal features such as Monarch Geyser in Norris, and species have been found in hot springs in the Phillipines, Russia, and California.

Microbial valentine for Euglena. Valentine state Eu can glena on me, Valentine! Valentine includes facts on Euglena. It states Euglena is a free-moving single cell organism that displays characteristics of both animals and plants. Euglena can live in acidic environments but is also commonly found in freshwater streams and lakes. They often multiply into large enough groups that they form a green layer on water. Euglena can be found around Lemonade Creek, Nymph Creek and Beaver Lake. Species of Euglena can be found in freshwater ponds and streams around the world.

Microbial valentine for Metallosphaera.Valentine states Valentine, I'm so glad we met allospaera. Valentine includes facts on Metallosphaera. It states Metallosphaera is a spherical-shaped member of the domain Archaea that appears orange when in large groups. Metallosphaera is found in acidic springs such as Whirlgig Geyser in Norris Geyser Basin. Similar species have been found in thermal areas in Italy and in acidic mine drainages, such as a slagheap of a uranium mine in Germany.

Microbial valentine for Phormidium. Valentine includes facts on Phormidium. It states Phormidium is a rod-shaped cyanobacterium that forms bacterial mats and performs photosynthesis for energy. Phormidium is found around Yellowstone in features such as Octopus Spring, Grand Prismatic Spring, and Queen's Laundry Spring, and in some thermal features in Mammoth Hot Springs, as well as sites around the world, including Chile, Turkey, and even Antarctica.

Microbial valentine of Sulfuurihydrogenibium. Valentine includes facts on Sulfurihydrogenibium. It states Sulfurihydrogenibium species are straight to slightly curved rods of bacteria. They often form cream filaments or streamers. Sulfurihydrogenibium can be found in Mammoth Hot Springs, Calcite Springs, and Obsidian Pool. Species have been found in hot springs in Iceland, Russia, and the Archipelago of the Azores, in deep-sea hydrothermal vents and even in a hot subsurface aquifer in a Japanese gold mine.

Microbial valentine of Synechoccus. Valentine says There's no syne that my love for you will ever fade. Valentine includes facts on synechococcus. It states Synechoccus species are rod-shaped cyanobacteria that create green mats and can form some of the most prominent green colors in thermal features. Synechococcus is found in neutral to alkaline springs that are non-sulfidic (do not smell like rotten eggs) such as Mammoth Hot Springs, Grand Prismatic Spring, Imperial Geyser and Octopus Spring and are very prevalent in the oceans around the world and may play an important role in the global carbon cycle by transforming abundant amounts of carbon dioxide into oxygen.

Microbial valentine of Thermocrinis. It states, "Valentine, I'd Thermocrinis a river if you left me!" Valentine includes facts on Thermocrinis. It says Thermocrinis is a rod-shaped bactrium that grows in the outflow of several alkaline hot springs in Yellowstone. Long chains of its cells form yellowish or pink streamers that attach to the sinter (a chemical crust) created by the precipitation of silicate in the water. Thermocrinis is found in many alkaline hot springs such as Octopus Spring in the Lower Geyser Basin. A similar species was found in a volcano in Costa Rica.

Microbial valentine of Thermus. It says I'm picking out a Thermus for you, Valentine. Valentine also includes facts on Thermus. It states Thermus is a rod-shaped bacterium that sometimes forms bright red or orange streamers. Discovered in 1968, it was one of the first extremophiles found in Yellowstone. ientists to make many copies of DNA. Thermus is found in thermal areas around Firehole Lake Drive and Octopus Spring. Thermus species have also been found in deep-sea hydrothermal vents; hot springs in California and Iceland; and even in hot-water heaters in residential homes.

Microbial valentine of Zygogonium. It states I'd zygogonium anywhere with you, Valentine! Valentine includes facts on Zygogonium. It states Zygogonium is a green rod-shaped alga that obtains its energy by performing photosynthesis in the same manner as plants. When it is exposed to intense sunlight, a dark purplish pigment is formed within its cell. Therefore, these purple cells can look almost black. Zygogonium is found in acidic springs such as those Nymph Lake, Norris Geyser Basin and Lemonade Creek, as well as in Canada, Australia, South Africa and India.