denotes required fields.

Enter if legal name differs from chosen name.
Please Include city, state, zip code, and country if outside of the United States.
A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central America, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.
You may check more than one if appropriate.
If you answered no, then to be considered for the Extreme Biofilms NRT program you must apply to the MSU Graduate School 
Identify which MSU Department you have applied for/have been accepted into.
Include degree, discipline, and institution name.
Include degree, discipline, and institution name.
Please provide the name of your primary advisor.
Select your citizenship status:


Once you have completed the form, please be sure to submit your additional documents to our application portal.

Please use the following file naming convention:


You must submit:

1)  Statement of Purpose

2) Research Statement

3) CV or Resume

4) Unofficial Transcript(s)


Please see how to apply page for further details on application requirements.